Volunteering in Costa Rica
Academia Tica's Volunteer Program in Costa Rica (community service work or service learning) is a perfect opportunity to travel within Costa Rica, practice the language and lend some help.
These once-in-a-lifetime experiences present the opportunity to grow by working along with people, in nature or with animals. It is a mixture of adventure, hard work, learning and making a difference.
All our volunteering projects have been carefully selected to work with foreigners. You will go to a place where you are really needed and able to help.
This program is for those students who:
Groups of all ages are welcome! This includes working in projects for long or short periods of time in any of our project categories. Please let us know your expectations for the group's work and let's bring them to an extraordinary experience!
Why volunteer?
Each year, volunteers' work represent valuable hours that save the already scarce resources that can be used to improve the conditions of each project. You could see it another way: volunteer's work may be something that will never be done if you're not there! At the same time, there is a great desire for sharing knowledge and learning both ways.
Why does volunteering has cost?
The reason for this is that all projects are in a very tight financial situation and most are actually only able to function with the support of volunteers. Most projects have high operation costs: imagine in an animal rescue project, how much animals have to eat, how much you have to spend in cleaning equipment and supplies, how much the people that are working there year-round should earn how much does an enclosure cost... animals can't live properly in small cages! Also, they don't have the money to cover the living expenses of their volunteers. This is where you come in, contributing to the cause.
Projects usually require a donation or fee that helps covering administration and material costs. This is charged at the moment of your booking to ensure your spot. Academia Tica has a fee of $100 for all administrative work related to your inscription, selection of project and other activities. The school also has a charge of $50 which covers a donation/sign up fee that projects always require. Lodging fees should be paid directly to the project managers and is approximately $30-$35 per day (in most cases this includes three meals).
Volunteering project types
Animal Rescue Projects
As close as it gets to wild animals
Wild animals constantly face a big range of situations caused by human intervention. From illegal captivity to hunting and even the danger of crossing the street. Many of these wild animals are found in precarious conditions and have to be brought to rescue centers. The job is to make their living conditions the best possible and help them recover.
More about Animal Rescue Volunteering Programs >>
Social Volunteering Projects
Every effort makes a big difference
The projects with social institutions and communities focus on human interaction with vulnerable populations and special needs. This is a field where no action is rendered little, and every moment is a chance for learning about you, about life and the others.
More about Social Volunteering Programs >>
Turtle Protection Projects
Your turn as stepmoms and dads
We are blessed with thousands of turtles coming to our shores each year, but this also bears a huge responsability. Turtles are among the most beautiful and interesting animals out there, but also among the most endangered species. These projects are about helping to improve the nesting conditions of these amazing reptiles, thereby increasing the life expectancy of baby turtles.
More about Turtle Protection Volunteering >>
Organic Farm Volunteering Projects
The future means respect for nature
More and more, organic practices are adopted everywhere in the world for their potential in sustainability, social and economic development. This integrated model farm is visited by experts and institutions for its implementation of agricultural techniques and it's owned by a well-known organic pioneer in Costa Rica. Grow vegetables, take care of farm animals and make vermicompost!
More about Organic Farm Volunteering >>
Nature Conservation Projects
The best way to experience nature
Work on national parks and special conservation projects all around Costa Rica. You will live in volunteer shelters in remote areas where help is needed most. Work, learn and see animals, plants, landscapes and forests that are among the world's most beautiful and diverse.
More about Nature Conservation Volunteering >>
Academia Tica and the community
Academia Tica is actively involved with the communities of Coronado and 闯补肠贸. Our philosophy of teaching is that a student should not only strive for a "travel" but rather a "travel, learn and get involved" concept. We collaborate with many local social institutions and enterprises.